Let's Be Honest...
You've been spending a ton of time doing things in your business. You're always busy, and you're making sacrifices, but you're never moving the needle.
It's time to learn the right way to OPERATE YOUR BUSINESS!
Because once you've built the ideal team for you, you will...

You will no longer want to throw in the towel...
If you're feeling overwhelmed, underpaid, and overworked it's because you don't have support in the areas you really need them. We will address and correct this so that you can get back to feeling like that better, less anxiety-ridden version of yourself.

You will no longer be acquiring tasks that you've hired someone else to do...
The worst feeling about hiring the wrong person is that they just don't get or want the job they are given. It's time to learn the right way to source out so you can stop paying someone to do something that ends up back on your plate.

You will get the benefit of sharing the same values...
You know what we mean right? How can you tell if someone is going to be a good fit in the long run? How do you know if they'll uphold the values you want your business to have? We're showing you how to create a quality check so you can stop worrying about someone else ruining your business name and reputation.

You will stop giving up your time to train agents and employees that won't stick around...
Do you hate pouring your precious time into training someone for them to ditch you months later? Then you're left to start over? You need efficient systems to onboard properly so you can create a trusted relationship in a timely manner that's built to flourish!
The fact of the matter is...once you build the team that fits you and begin to manage it, you will become the boss mama you've been dreaming of.
IF you're ready to have consistent business, you need consistent effort.
IF you're ready for a better work/life balance, you need systems that allow you that balance.
IF you want to free up time on your calendar, you need someone you trust to hand things off to.
We're here to walk you through these things so you can start feeling like your work is paying off and not robbing you of time with your family.
Hey there, mama!
We're the Real Estate Mega Moms.
2 moms who together have sold more than $55,000,000 in production volume without missing out on birthdays, soccer games, or friend gatherings.
In 2020 we noticed a surge in teams that were failing. Together we run a community of over 26,000 mamas and we noticed a recurring trend that ladies were reaching out to us asking why their team structure wasn't bringing them the happiness they thought it would. They felt less successful and more drained than ever before.
Fast forward to 2022, we began offering help to moms across the nation. We put together a program that consisted of the tried and true systems that worked in our personal real estate businesses. After releasing this program we immediately heard back from these ladies that ."
The Real Estate Mega Moms business in a box and foundation coaching is great. They give you real world advice on how to successfully grow your business and they are a fun group of ladies as well. I recommend them to any mom agents looking to take their business to the next level or just to mainstream their current business processes.” -Jennifer Coleman, Program Graduate"
So where do you begin? You may be thinking "There's no way I've got the time for this"...... we hear you! That's why we have condensed our best trainings for you that are quick to go through and quick to implement.
YOU WILL HAVE THE TIME when you use our proven strategies.

Here are a few reasons why we (and hundreds of our students) are obsessed with it...
So you can stop feeling like you're starting from zero. Just plug into our system and customize to fit your team. Your laptop is going to miss you in the evenings!
You will no longer be soul searching for the perfect additions to your business! Quickly identify who is the best fit for your culture and each position so you can stop throwing away your "me" time.
Begin identifying exactly what each team member should be doing and how each position fits together so things stop falling through the cracks.
We help you know how to hold each position accountable week after week to make sure your business is consistent and predictable over time.
And the best part is, we’re going to show you exactly how to implement it in our easy-to-watch, 3-part crash course!

A 3 part program for the Real Estate mom who is ready to sell more while doing less in her business.

Alot of moms getting into real estate struggle to find the time to do all things that they'd really like to see get done.
When you sign up today you get instant access to The Real Estate Team Builder Formula, a quick 3 part, self-paced course that gives you the information you need to build the team that's right for you so you can start feeling like the needle is really moving in your business.

Vision: First we will show you exactly what our teams look like, this will help you envision what your end result will be.
We'll start with showing you the best team set up that we have found. This method will be more sustainable long term and will help you have a more tenured team. So you don't have to start the process over and over!
Plus! You'll have our blueprint to really understand what your org chart should look like and what tasks belong to each job description.
Systems and Processes: How to break down each role into bite size manageable task.
This step is so important because it allows you to clear convey what you want your team members to do and HOW they will do each task.
Have you ever said "I need help, but I don't know where to start?" This section will be the key to unlock that for you!

KPI's: How to hold each person accountable so that you know their tasks are bringing in more business.
In Part 3 you will learn how to properly measure the core tasks each team member does for you. This will help you see what is moving the needle each week and what isn't.
You will be able to quickly tell if your investment in their position is bringing you a return. No more guessing and wondering what they are doing each day.

A 3-part crash course for the successful Real Estate Agent who is ready to build a team that will be sustainable long term.
CLAIM ACCESS NOW FOR JUST $37Ready to stop doing it all yourself and find the right people to help you scale and leverage?

- Part 1: How to build your team with a structure that will last long term! ($297 value)
- Part 2: How to breakdown each position so that you have clear job descriptions. ($297 value)
- Part 3: How to hold your team members accountable and what metrics to track to measure their success.($297 value)
- ā€‹Bonus 1: Leverage series ($97 value)
- Bonus 2: Org Chart Template ($197 Value)
- Bonus 3: Team Income & Profit Calculator ($197 Value)
- Bonus 4: Transaction Tracker ($97 Value)
- Bonus 5: Core Value Generator ($197 Value)
- Bonus 6: Personal 1:1 Strategy Call with Jessica ($597 Value)

* Full Transparency: We personally host the Real Estate Team Builder Formula strategy session and our time is limited. As demand grows we do plan on raising the price in the near future. Take action to secure this program at its lowest price.
Got Q's? We’ve got answers!
Who is a good fit for this program?
This is for the busy and successful Agent who is working too much and starting to feel burned out.
You know you can't sustain this momentum forever and you're ready to off load some of your responsibilities, just not sure where to start.
What Team Model does this program cover?
We go in depth on how and why we think a staff team model works best for long term sustainability. The old way of hiring agents to grow your team doesn't work. It has an extremely high turnover rate and doesn't off load any of your responsibilities.
In fact it just gives YOU more work. That's not what you want, you want less work.
What are the typical results you will see when you go through this formula?
You will walk away with a greater understanding with how your team should be structured, what each role is supposed to do and how you can hold each member accountable.
This allows you to move the needle at a much faster rate. Bringing in more income with less overall workload, because you have it spread out among your qualified staff!
Do you offer a guarantee?
Yes! We 100% guarantee that you will love this program. If you’re not 100% satisfied with the course, templates, and bonuses within 7 days, we’ll gladly offer you a full refund.
Your Complimentary 1on1 call w/our Strategy Coach expires 30 days from time of purchase, so be sure to book, TODAY!
How much time will I need to complete the program?
Because you're busy and don't have time to watch 20 hours of content (let's face it, most courses are way too long!), we have made it easy to complete. In fact it will only take you less than ONE hour to finish all the lessons.
We made it this way as we believe the best way to get the rest of the answers and support you need will be from either us, our coaches or our other students from inside the private community group.
Not only that but you will also get a 1:1 launch strategy session so we can help you fill in the gaps before you go to launch.
Then, if you would like to go even faster and you’re a good fit for it, we can discuss coming on as a private client inside our 6-month accelerator.
What you want is within reach, friend.
You just have to grab it. We’ve taken our years of experience in being Mega Agents with teams and brokerages and have turned it into a system you can plug into your business and customize so it works without you having to sacrifice what makes you unique.
But most importantly… it takes out all of the guesswork.
You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t have something killer to offer your clients.
You wouldn’t be here if you already had a strategy that WORKED and allowed you to help more people.
Which is exactly why this system is important.
You have people to serve.
Let’s make sure they can find you and work with you.
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